Will ther be any more price cuts on the iphone white or black?

Q. I hear that in November 2008 Apple is cutting the white iphones price in half is this true.

A. next year happy christmas day might come by. hahahha.......

How to make money quickly as a 13 year old?
Q. Hi, so i'm currently planning a trip to Georgia during the summer through Girl Scouts, i also currently want to save up for the iPhone4S. I am paying for BOTH myself, every penny for both the trip & iPhone will be money that i have saved from recycling & fundraisers, the problem is, every time i bring up the iPhone my mother gets very upset saying that i need to pay off my Georgia trip first. (Which is true.) My Christmas money, i split in half, 60 for myself and 60 for my trip. I really need some ideas on how to make money quickly, i have 80 dollars so far for my iPhone, (Price is $450.00) and $35 a month for service. (Virgin mobile, no other phone company suggestions please. I have researched all other phone companies and Virgin Mobile is the one i could afford to pay for each month.) I have already thought of starting dog walking, i am CPR Certified, and went to a local babysitting class during the summer, i just dont know how to get buisness, (Do not say put ads up in the street, my parents will not allow it.) I have also thought of creating an e-Bay/Etsy account, because i do polymer clay. Keep in mind i am ONLY 13 and an unable to get a job where i live, any suggestions/ ideas that might help reach me both of my goals??
@Gun Highway.
Thank you for the unnecessary comment, and i do need money, kids think that they can live their life living off of their parents money, but luckily enough i have parents who don't want me in debt when i'm older. At least i'm trying, i don't think that kids who get everything they want is cool, and it'll be very hard for them when they grow up. Goodbye, if you have something unnecessary to say then do not leave a comment at all.

A. Maybery setting up an account at care.com, you might find a babysitting job. I would suggest bringing a friend or family member the first time you go to make sure the people are not creeps.

The other thing is mowing lawns... I know cutting grass may come off as something boys should do, but there's nothing wrong with a girl doing it. If your family owns a lawn mower, ask your neighbors if they would like their grass cut. Or could even ask if you could wash their car... & if you live up north, you could also ask them if you could shovel their snow. Or any other number hosehold chores that they might like done.

Recycle... ask parents for a small allowance... have a garage sale and split the profits w/ your parents... sell your old stuf on e-bay/craigslist... etc.

Also for birthdays/holidays, make sure people know you'd rather be given a few bucks in cash rather than some cheesy gift that you might not even care about.

This may sound dumb, but find change and fill up your piggy bank: last year my nephew saved over $100 through quarters, nickles, pennies & dimes.

Sell silly things roses for valentines day, or mistletoes for chrismas... And who said your too old for a lemonade stand? The list is endless, just use your imagination and start to ASK people! That might be the only way to get started... ASK... don't be afraid to ask, so right now, get up and go ask someone (the worst thing they could say is no).

Will iphone 4 prices drop when new model arrives?
Q. Hello. I was considering to buy an iphone 3gs, 16gb, second-hand and I'm getting it for approximately 200 dollars. However, with the new iphone 5 coming soon, is it expected that iphone 4 prices will also drop, particularly in the second-hand market? If so, should i wait for that, or should I buy the iphone 3gs, because I really don't have more than about 200 dollars to spend on it.

And we're talking fully unlocked, no-contract sim phones here.

A. sorry can't help you.

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  1. Metal cases offer heavy-duty protection but they can be bulky and difficult to take on/off the phone. Plastic cases are usually the cheapest variety of case and come in many colors, but offer less protection than the others and have a tendency to break easily if dropped. Rubber(silicone) cases are great for individuals who handle their iPhones a lot. This type of case offers quality protection and an easy grip, but they do tend to get dirtier faster than the other case types.



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