Saturday, December 29, 2012

What are the down falls to jailbreaking my iPhone?

Q. If I decide to have my iPhone jail broken what are the down falls of doing so? I have a friend who can jail break it, but I'd like to know of any risks. I really would like to be able to customize my phone more than I currently can.

A. Its slow
The apps always crash and shut down
Decreased battery life
Apple wont be very happy with.

Don't jailbreak it, you will regret it.

Is There any hacks for csr racing game for iphone i need gold and cash please help me out?
Q. i need gold and cash please help me out
my iphone jail-broken and iap free hack doesn't work
is there any solutions ?

A. Gold is better than cash and you can easily get gold by changing the dates by month in your device. Then go back to the game and it will say Welcome back! your mysterious donor has added 1gold to your account for coming back. It can be time consuming but you can aquire upgrades faster. Enjoy :)

Whats the difference between an iphone and an jail broken one?
Q. I hear that term "jail broken" all the time when talking to friends but i never understood what it meant. I want to say that if you buy a jail broken iphone you don't have to pay for the data usage plan. Is that true? What exactly does it mean jail broken and what is its functions?


A. jailbroken lets ur iphone use thrid party apps and settings not apporved by apple for whatever reason ie (too many crashes, unstable, performance etcccc.) but this also disables restrictions and permission ie, background image on main home screen. BUT jailbreaking has its cons, performance and ram use is abused dramatically, however the pros outnumber the cons. ppl r very skeptical to jailbreak cuz it "mess" up ur phone, btw please define mess up lol, if u do it properly and right software, ( then there will be no problems. i jailbroke and wouldnt go back, iphone is awesome with tons of apps (cracked btw lol) icons, sounds etc. soooooo many mods.

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