Monday, December 31, 2012

What's the difference between an iPhone and iPhone clone?

Q. I'm thinking about buying an iPhone clone, but 1st want to know what differences the iPhone and iPhone clone have!! Please Help! Need to know!

A. There are many difference and I grouped them into two, the cons and pros of the iPhone Clone, if you want to know about the iPhone you can visit the Apple's site.


1. An iPhone clone will NEVER have the official iPhone OS
2. It will not sync with iTunes, iCal or your Mac
3. It's not an official Apple product and will not work like one
4. It have no App Store
5. Quality is abysmal compare to the real thing
6. cannot use iPod/iPhone accessory with dock
7. they are heavier


1. some clones have built in TV tuner but its crappy
2. it is alot cheaper
3. some clones almost look like the real iPhone
4. some have DUAL sim
5. clones usually comes with a stylus

here's the best iPhone clone as of now

I there some way to use the iPhone screen without using your finger?
Q. I am not talking about a special glove or special stylus that you use with your hand. I want to remove the hand all together.
This is a bit of a pain to do with Capacitive touch screens as they don't on pressure, but rather on changes in charge levels. So if anyone knows how you can use these type of screens without using any part of your body, It would be appreciated.

A. Use your nose. I hope you're not far-sighted.

Why will only figers work on iphones screen?
Q. Why will only skin and special iphone styluses work on an iphones screen?

A. they sense heat, which is convenient for when you are on the phone and you are ready to hang up, you pull it away from your face, the phone lights up, and the end button is ready to be pressed.

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