Why will only figers work on iphones screen?

Q. Why will only skin and special iphone styluses work on an iphones screen?

A. they sense heat, which is convenient for when you are on the phone and you are ready to hang up, you pull it away from your face, the phone lights up, and the end button is ready to be pressed.

What can I use as a iPhone stylus?
Q. Are than any house hold items I can use as an iPhone stylus?

A. dont use house hold objects, it may harm ur phone. U can buy nokia styluses at phone stores.

Is it legal to Unlock an iPhone to use with other service providers other than AT&T?
Q. Also, does iphone come with a stylus?
how do you know that it is illegal?

A. No, it is not legal.

And the iPhone does not come with a stylus. :)

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