When will the iphone's price drop in Australia and how much will it drop?

Q. Just wondering roughly how long until the iphone price will drop and how much it will drop by?
Best answer gets 10 points!!!!

A. Hey man i belive that the iphone will drop down in price within 2 or 3 months around $200-$300 which is when the hype is cool down for one

What is the total iPhone 4 price at Walmart?
Q. I've been checking online adds of Walmart iPhone 4 prices but their only online prices. Please help!

A. go to at&t and it costs 200 with a 2 year contract or 600 withouth contract

Will ther be any more price cuts on the iphone white or black?
Q. I hear that in November 2008 Apple is cutting the white iphones price in half is this true.

A. next year happy christmas day might come by. hahahha.......

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